Many people probably don’ t know Kentucky Horse Park is a dog friendly park.

Dog Trotting

dog-friendly Kentucky Horse Park and scupture

Bring your dog to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky.

Dogs and horses. Awesome.  Add a cat show to the mix and I’ve gone to heaven.

Ok, no cats at the Kentucky Horse Park but plenty of horses – 90 live on the property. Some are former famous racehorses, others pull the trolley carts that take visitors around the park twice a day and others represent various breeds and participate in the daily 2pm Breed Show educating visitors about the history and highlights of different horse types.

Victor was less interested in the Breed Show, which is the first thing we watch. He was more interested in the new smells – strong smells – and dodging the attention of a young admirer who toddled around my 11-year-old schnoodle with shaky balance and unshakable interest.

Victor loves kids, so normally I’m not concerned. But when the fondling didn’t wane…

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Need an ark? I Noah guy !!

Great post about the Ark Encounter and Williamstown, Kentucky.

At Water's Edge Ventures

How apt that thunderstorms were forecast this morning as we made our way to Williamstown, Kentucky to visit Ark Encounter, a life-size Noah’s Ark.  Locals tell us it’s the most rain they’ve had in ages and we kept rain gear on all day.

Only open for 2 months we were impressed how organized the whole property is from the acres of parking to the efficient people mover buses that leave every few moments.  I heard a little boy say “wow” when the Ark came into view.

For the loggers in our lives the Ark was made with 3.1 million board feet of timber and is the biggest timber frame structure in the world.  At 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 51 feet high it’s HUGE !!

A staff member told us it cost $100 million to build and can hold up to 10,000 guests at a time.


The attraction has…

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